To launch Under Armour Football Boots in Europe, we brought the Under Armour brand DNA (Strength) to life by selecting a ‘test team’ made of tough players from ‘serious amateur leagues’ around Europe. This idea, Europe’s toughest players testing the world’s toughest boots, was translated to an online campaign.
The boots were designed for strong performance, built on the brand DNA of being physically and mentally strong. The primary target audience was serious amateur players in ‘serious leagues’ so we identified a certain type of individual: the never-say-die on-field general. The hard-working, tough, unsung hero who is first on the team sheet, first to arrive at training and last to leave. We highlighted their ‘tough’ credentials through testing the new Under Armour boots in a series of films and demos. These test demos were interactive for the online visitor, and emphasized different features of the boots, which were all about ‘strength’.
Made in a team at Perfect Fools